Urbsill on uus Eesti bränd, mis loob keskkonnast hoolivaid sooneutraalseid riideid ja elustiili tooteid. Urbsill on mõeldud inimesele, kes hindab massist eristumist ning soovib riietega omanäolisust väljendada. Meie stuudio asub Põhjala tehases ning seame sisse e-poodi
www.urbsill.com. Päris inimesed, päris riided.
Urbsill is a new Estonian brand that creates planet-friendly gender neutral statement apparel and lifestyle products. Urbsill is for everyone who appreciates differentiation from the masses and wants to express their uniqueness with their clothes. Our studio is located at Põhjala factory and we’re currently setting up our shop at www.urbsill.com. Real people, real clothes.